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Sunset at Dawn

The fourth and final volume in the sci-fi fantasy series, "The Human Struggle," "Sunset at Dawn" depicts the war off-world, in which angels and fighters battle humanity's enemies. Meanwhile on earth, momentous developments are afoot, which could alter human history by deeply involving the divine feminine. But mankind's enemies, aware of earth, have established their own corporation here, outside Washington, D.C., devoted to the promotion of robotic warfare and the privatizing of prisons, among other things, in order to speed the planet's demise. As fighters from the previous books infiltrate this deadly corporation, another fighter, Rafael Orozco, finds himself sidelined, only to learn that his new job involves protecting someone, whose appearance on earth may be too momentous to hide in the big, second-rate, run-down East Coast city of D___, which happens to be crawling with death-worshippers.